Saturday, 28 November 2020

 Global X Education ETF (EDUT)

An Investment in Knowledge pays the best interest. 

Today's ETF is about Education. The ETF debuted on July 1st  2020 on the heals of surge in online Education.  With Schools no where near close to opening full time in near future, this play to bring in good appreciation. 

For those inquisitive about the underlying holdings, the link below has the details. 

Underlying Holdings for EDUT

Thursday, 26 November 2020

VictoryShares Protect America ETF (SHLD)


Today's Pick VictoryShares Protect America ETF (SHLD)

The index identifies the top 50 eligible companies ranked by total outstanding contracts relating to the protection of U.S. national security interests, and projected revenue amounts.

The Department of Defense Budget for 2020 stands at 721.5 Billion. Defense being a substantial portion of US GDP, it's tough to go wrong with Victory Shares today. 

Add your thoughts and numbers to the discussion and let others chime in.